Wednesday 29 October 2014

Plant Popcorn Kernels

Plant popcorn kernels pointy side down.

Popcorn kernels, also known as flint corn, contain hard outer shells, with a soft center surrounded by water. It is the water that causes the kernels to steam and burst when cooked. When you are feasting on a handful of popcorn, you may not realize that you are actually eating the embryo of a popcorn plant capable of germinating prior to popping. In fact, when planted in potting soil, popcorn kernels sprout in approximately one week. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Drop two to three popcorn kernels into a small bowl. Add just enough warm water to the bowl to cover the popcorn kernels. Soak the popcorn kernels for 24 hours.

2. Fill an 8 oz. cup with damp potting soil. Remove the popcorn kernels from the water after their 24-hour soak.

3. Press the popcorn kernels 2 inches down into the soil inside the cup, pointed side down. Cover the top of the cup with a piece of plastic wrap. Secure the plastic with a snug-fitting rubber band.

4. Set the cup in an area that receives at least six to eight hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day. Lift the plastic wrap every few days to check the soil for moisture. Spritz the soil with water from a spray bottle if necessary.

5. Remove the plastic as soon as the popcorn kernels sprout. Continue to provide the popcorn seedlings with bright, indirect sunlight and moisture as they grow.

Tags: popcorn kernels, bright indirect, bright indirect sunlight, indirect sunlight, kernels sprout, plastic wrap, popcorn kernels