The amount your cockapoo should eat varies by its size.
A cockapoo is a breed of dog - actually two breeds mixed together, into what is known as a designer breed. The two parent breeds are the poodle and the cocker spaniel. Cocker spaniels are small to medium dogs, but poodles vary in size. Cockapoos thusly come in four sizes: Teacup Toy (under 6 lbs.), Toy (under 12 lbs.), Mini (13 to 18 lbs.), and Maxi (over 19 lbs.). How much you need to feed your cockapoo depends on its size and other factors.
Teacup and Toy Cockapoos
Teacup and toy cockapoos weigh less than 12 lbs. If your toy cockapoo weighs 11 or 12 lbs., you should consider it a mini cockapoo for the purpose of calculating amount of food to feed it every day. Dogs that weigh 10 lbs. or less require approximately 1 cup of food a day, which you can feed it all at once, in two to four separate meals, or you can leave it out in a dog bowl all day long.
Mini and Maxi Cockapoos
Mini and maxi cockapoos weigh at least 12 lbs., and usually less than 25 lbs. If your maxi cockapoo weighs more than 25 lbs., please consult your breeder or veterinarian. Dogs that weigh between 11 and 25 lbs. should be fed 1.5 to 2.25 cups of dog food per day. This amount can be divided up into several meals throughout the day, or fed all at once.
Age Concerns
Puppies are smaller than their full-grown counterparts. If you have a puppy that weighs 8 lbs., for example, feed it as if it were a toy cockapoo, even though it may actually be a growing maxi cockapoo. In general, puppies (less than two years old) and senior dogs (seven years or older) need less food than adult dogs. Always monitor your dog's bowel habits and weight to make sure you are not feeding it too little or too much.
Activity Level Concerns
Active cockapoos need more food than cockapoos that do not have much opportunity to run and play. A free-roaming farm dog, for example, might eat more than an identical dog living in a small apartment in a city whose owner is at work most of the day. While it is important to adjust the amount of food you feed your cockapoo based on factors such as weight, age, and activity level, only very small adjustments are required.
Tags: your cockapoo, less than, amount food, amount food feed, cockapoo weighs, cockapoos weigh, Dogs that