Friday 20 February 2015

Cook With A Himalayan Salt Slab

Pink Himalayan salt is mined in Pakistan and has a wide variety of uses ranging from seasoning, cooking and even creating lamps. Himalayan salt slabs are thick, rectangular chunks of pink salt that can be used for cooking and serving food. Cooking on a Himalayan pink salt slab adds flavor to your food and fun to your kitchen. While cooking with salt slabs is relatively easy, you must be careful when using high heat and when washing and storing the slab. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Place the Himalayan salt slab directly on the stove, in the oven or on the grill to cook hot dishes. Start at a low level of heat and let the salt slab warm up for 10 to 15 minutes before increasing the heat level. In general, salt blocks work best when you cook on low to medium heat; high levels of heat are not recommended if you intend to use your salt slab long-term.

2. Refrigerate your pink Himalayan salt slab to serve cold dishes and platters. You can serve cheese, cold meats, fruit, vegetables or even sushi on a salt slab. Put your salt slab in the fridge overnight and it will retain the cold for hours when left out at room temperature. Using a cold salt slab will only add a small amount of salt and flavor to your food.

3. Let your salt slab cool completely before washing. Depending on the thickness of your salt slab, this could take several hours or overnight. Washing your salt slab when it is still warm can damage the surface and decrease the overall life span.

4. Wash your salt slab after each use. Once your salt slab has cooled, you need to wash the surface to get rid of any leftover spices or seasoning that could add unwanted flavor to future dishes. Use warm water and a scouring pad to scrub the surface and remove any leftover food or oil. You can use a squirt of lime or lemon juice to remove the top layer of salt after cooking particularly flavorful dishes. Water can dissolve and deteriorate your salt slab, so it is important to pat dry immediately after washing.

Tags: salt slab, your salt slab, your salt, Himalayan salt, flavor your