Thursday 25 June 2015

Plant Buck Wheat

Buckwheat needs three frost-free months.

Buckwheat is primarily used in flour. Buckwheat is commonly used to make pancake mixes and for livestock feed, because it is high in protein. Because it cannot handle hot, dry climates, buckwheat is traditionally grown in northern states. Buckwheat can be grown in poor soils, however, and can be tilled back into the soil to provide a rapidly decomposing compost for other crops. Buckwheat is also a succulent, and does not require much water to grow. Buckwheat grows rapidly, also. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Till the soil in the area you wish to plant buckwheat. Buckwheat prefers well-drained, loose soils, but avoid soil that is too coarse or sandy.

2. Apply a burn-down herbicide and till the soil again three to five days later. The second till is used for weed control.

3. Seed 1 lb. per 50 square feet of land. Seeding must be done by hand. Do not plant the seeds in rows, this will help to deter weed infestation.

4. Lightly till the soil after seeding.

Tags: till soil