Monday 15 June 2015

Transition My Dog To A Vegetarian Diet

There are many reasons dog owners transition their dogs to vegetarian diets. Sometimes a dog needs a diet low in protein for health reasons. Sometimes a vegetarian diet is the only option for a dog with severe food allergies. Regardless of the reason for transitioning your dog to a vegetarian diet, it should not be done all at once, but slowly over at least a week. A slow transition is key to keeping your dog from experiencing the digestive upsets associated with a new diet.


1. Choose a vegetarian dog food that meets your dog's nutritional requirements.

2. Feed your dog a mixture that consists of 75 percent of its old food and 25 percent of its new vegetarian food at mealtimes for the first two days.

3. Feed your dog a mixture that consists of 50 percent of its old food and 50 percent of its new vegetarian food at mealtimes for the next two days.

4. Feed your dog a mixture that consists of 25 percent of its old food and 75 percent of its new vegetarian food at mealtimes for the last two days.

5. Feed your dog its new vegetarian food at mealtimes instead of its old food.

Tags: vegetarian food, Feed your, food mealtimes, vegetarian food mealtimes, consists percent, consists percent food, days Feed