Thursday 30 April 2015

Bless Holy Oil

Holy oil is typically anointed by prayer.

Religion is heavily based on ritual and symbol. In the Catholic and Anglican churches, holy oil is one substance with ritualistic and symbolic value. Consecrated oils are used in anointing the sick, in church services, on Maundy Thursday (a Lenten holiday), and on other occasions. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament make reference to the sanctity and value of holy oils. Consecrating oil for religious purposes is a simple but solemn procedure.


1. Open the container of oil and hold it or place it before you.

2. Address God in prayer (silent or spoken). State your intention to bless the oil.

3. Improvise the content of your invocation, or use the text of this prayer, as suggested by John Mark Ministries. "Most holy God, bless this oil that it might be to us the sweet savor of Christ. May it strengthen us, consecrate us and preserve us so that we may resist contagion with the sins of the world and may it fill us with grace so that we may be Your dear disciples and faithful witnesses now and forever."

4. End the prayer and seal the oil.

5. Place the oil in its proper ceremonial place until it's used for sacramental purposes.
