Thursday 2 April 2015

Substitute Nustevia For Sugar When Baking

Substitute NuStevia for sugar in baking or for other regular sugar uses.

Stevia is an herb that commonly grows in Brazil and Paraguay and has been used as a sweetener for hundreds of years. NuStevia is a product made with a stevia component and is used as a sugar replacement--although the FDA allows it to be imported as a food additive rather than a sweetener. NuStevia can be beneficial for those who have health issues that affect blood sugar levels. Using NuStevia also helps to increase fiber intake and can help your baked goods stay fresher longer. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Check the sugar requirements in your recipe and substitute the same measurement of NuStevia. For example, if the recipe calls for 3/4 cup sugar, use 3/4 cup NuStevia instead.

2. Increase or decrease the amount of NuStevia used as you normally would for a recipe. If you usually use less sugar for a favorite muffin recipe, make the same adjustments when substituting NuStevia.

3. Add the NuStevia to the recipe and mix in according to the instructions.
