Monday 11 May 2015

Keep Corn Fresh

Keeping corn fresh is no longer a matter of simply putting ears into a plastic bag and storing them in a refrigerator. To extend corn's shelf life, use chlorine bleach and lemon juice to stop spoilage. This method may keep your corn fresh for up to 2 weeks. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Select fresh corn at a grocery store. Look for plump corn ears, fairly tightly-wrapped husks and stems that are moist. Pop a kernel and inspect the liquid that comes out of it. If the liquid is thin and watery and not thick and milky, the corn ear is fresh.

2. Fill a large container water with cool water. Note how many gallons of water are in the container.

3. Add two drops of chlorine bleach and one drop of lemon juice into the container for each gallon of water.

4. Remove husks and silks from the corn. Place the cleaned corn into the water for 15 minutes. Shake the excess water from the corn.

5. Pack 5 ears of corn into a freezer bag. Seal the bag tightly. Make sure there is very little air in the bag. Continue until all the corn is bagged and put the freezer bags into the refrigerator's crisper.

Tags: corn fresh, chlorine bleach, corn into, from corn, lemon juice