Wednesday 13 May 2015

Tips On Buying In Bulk

Buying in bulk is a popular money-saving strategy for families of all sizes. A stockpile of basic supplies from buying in bulk gives a cushion if money gets tight. You also eliminate unexpected trips to the store for necessities because you always have extras on hand. There is more to the process than simply buying large quantities of your favorite products. Knowing buy bulk products will save you the most money.

Unit Price

Pay attention to the unit price when buying in bulk. Many times, larger packages of a product actually cost more per unit than smaller packages. Don't assume you're getting a better deal just because you're buying a bulk package of your favorite frozen waffles or toilet paper.

Divide the price by the number of items in the package to determine how much you're paying for each one. Repeat the process for smaller packages of the same product. Compare the unit prices to determine if it's better to buy a large package or several smaller packages.

Tracking Prices

Keep track of the prices of your favorite household products and groceries. A notebook with a sheet for each store you frequent is one way to organize the information. Keeping track of the usual prices of each item makes it easier to know when you're getting a good deal.

Stock up when the price is low, even if you don't need a produce at the time. If canned green beans are offered at the lowest price you've seen, grab several cans to save for future use. You'll eventually end up with a large stockpile so you can wait for sales to restock.

Expiration Dates

Note the expiration dates of items when buying in bulk. A great price on a gigantic bottle of vitamins or pain reliever is only a good deal if you'll consume it all before it expires. If you don't think you will, buy a smaller package. Put the new products at the back of the shelf in your storage area and move the older items forward so they are used first.


Designate a stockpile location for the bulk items you buy. Put all of the extras in the storage area to reduce the clutter in the cupboards in your kitchen and bathroom. Keep the storage area organized so you can easily grab a new package when you need it. Go through the contents of the storage area regularly so you know what you have.

Ideas for stockpile storage area include a bookshelf, storage cabinet or plastic storage totes with lids. If space is limited in your home, consider using under-bed storage containers.

Tags: storage area, smaller packages, your favorite, buying bulk, good deal, when buying, when buying bulk