Tuesday 12 May 2015

Sell Homemade Cards

Online and offline software programs make it easy to design and print your own homemade cards, including postcards and greeting cards. You may decide that your card designs are good enough to sell. You can do so, just as you would place your T-shirt, hat or coffee mug creations up for sale on an e-commerce website.


1. Design your cards. Use a simple online postcard or greeting card design and printing website that offers templates (see "Resources" for an example) or a layout program like Adobe InDesign.

2. Order a printed sample of each card that you design so that you can see the result and make a final decision on which ones you want to sell.

3. Have a set of the cards you chose printed in bulk (at least 10 each to start). Keep pictures of the online designs you created on hand so that you can post them on your website.

4. Set up a small website that displays your card creations. If you plan to sell just a few designs, you can set up a simple shopping cart system using PayPal. Display photos of the cards on a "Product" page and list a "Buy Now" button next to each one. Purchase shopping cart software (see "Resources" for an example) that will allow you to upload each of your products and integrate a credit card merchant account with the system if this will be a larger scale website.

5. Charge a fair price for your cards. Many greeting cards, like the ones sold at Hallmark, range from about $2 to $6 each, depending on the design. Postcards may cost about 50 cents to $2 each. Be sure to also set a reasonable shipping price that will make it financially feasible for the customer to buy one or more of your cards. Keep in mind that one card can be shipped to a customer via first-class mail for about a dollar.

6. Bring your cards to parties, luncheons and special events and put them up for display. Take orders on the spot by cash or check or give your friends and family members the website address.

Tags: your cards, greeting cards, Resources example, sell just, shopping cart