Thursday 2 July 2015

Antiviral Benefits Of Raw Honey

Raw honey has many benefits.

For thousands of years, raw honey has been believed to be beneficial for medicinal and antiviral properties . Even Hippocrates, known as the father of modern medicine, referenced honey's benefits. Raw honey is defined as honey that has not been processed in any way so it still retains all of its nutritional properties. Honey in this form is easier for the body to digest than regular sugar and doesn't stimulate insulin surge the way that regular sugar does. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Internal Benefits

Common benefits for taking raw honey orally include helping insomnia, constipation, ulcers and more. Honey can stop the growth of the bacteria H. Pylori which can cause stomach ulcers. New Zealand is known for the healing properties of its Manuka Honey. Raw honey contains something called Propolis, many times referred to as "bee glue." It is a complex mix of resins and phytonutrients which have numerous antiviral benefits for the body.

External Benefits

Raw honey works wonders on the outside of the body too. It can help treat athlete's foot, lip sores, wounds, eczema and many other ailments of the skin. Raw honey is considered hydrophilic, which means that it combines with water and helps kill bacteria. This makes it a natural antiseptic. Glucose oxidase is an enzyme that when converted to hydrogen peroxide is another anti bacterial agent in raw honeys arsenal.

Reducing Scar Size

According to Andrew Kochan, a leading researcher on the benefits of honey, raw honey is good for its use in reducing the size of scars. Honey has antimicrobial abilities and properties that help scars to heal faster and easier.

Tags: regular sugar