Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Dog Food Recipe

Preparing wholesome and nutritious dog food at home is a great way for dog owners to know exactly what is going into their pet's food. Some dogs have specialized diets and cannot tolerate manufactured food; other pet owners are simply trying to feed their dogs the very best ingredients while not having to worry about cheap fillers and low-grade meats being used in the food.

Puppy Milk for Hand-Feeding in Case of Emergency

Puppies that have been prematurely taken from their mothers need to be hand fed. Using the following will give them the nourishment they need until a foster mother can be found. Use 1 can of evaporated milk, 1 cup of water, 1 tbsp. of honey or Karo syrup, and 1 egg yolk. Mix together and feed with a syringe.

Basic Dog Food Recipe

In general, dog food should be made up of one-third protein from meat, eggs or dairy products and two-thirds grains and vegetables. A good, basic dog food recipe is to use 3 pounds of chopped meat, 2 1/2 cups of vegetable blend, 4 cups of rice and 6 1/2 cups of water. Mix and heat until boiling. Cook for 25 to 30 minutes or until rice is very tender (more tender than for people). Salt, onions and garlic should not be used when cooking for dogs as these can be harmful to certain dogs. The food should be allowed to completely cool before being fed.

Variations of Dog Food for Nutritional Content and Taste

Using the recipe above, rotate the meats using chicken, beef, turkey or organ meat, or a combination of these to allow for variety in the nutrients that dog receives. Egg yolk also can be added for extra omega-3. Occasionally bary the rice with brown rice or rolled oats. The vegetable blend can include a variety of fruits and vegetables including carrots, squash, sweet potato, yam, peas and even apples. Adding alfalfa powder also is very nutritious for dogs. Owners also should talk to their vet about calcium intake and their dog's needs.

Tags: food should, vegetable blend