Friday 13 March 2015

Live In A Travel Trailer

Take your living space with you.

If you want to live in a travel trailer, think "small, portable and cute." An increasing number of people are finding they don't need a four-bedroom, three-bathroom house now that the kids are gone. Others just want to simplify their lifestyles. No matter the reason, living in a travel trailer is a viable possibility if you plan it properly. Living in a travel trailer gives you the option of moving when -- and as often -- as you want or parking in a spot and digging a vegetable garden. Modern technology makes living in a travel trailer a comfortable choice. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Head south -- like Arizona or Florida -- if you want to park the travel trailer and live there permanently. While you can live in a travel trailer in North Dakota, it requires skirting and insulation for proper winterization. Another consideration involves moving with the seasons to temperate climates.

2. Downsize. Look at your possessions and figure out what you don't really need. Living in a travel trailer doesn't allow room for your rock collection or your pool table.

3. Have a garage sale -- or two or three -- and get rid of everything you don't need. Give anything not sold to charity.

4. Line up your must-have essentials and move them into the travel trailer first. Things such as pots and pans and dishes are a priority, although cut corners here as well. Rather than a dinner setting for eight, for instance, cut it back to four.

5. Cull your wardrobe. Move your clothes into the travel trailer. Put your jeans and sweaters into the drawers and hang your dresses or suits in the closet. Make a rule that you won't buy any more hangers, so if you buy a new shirt you have to get rid of an old one to use the hanger.

6. Buy a laptop. A desk computer takes up far too much space in a travel trailer. Consistent with your travel lifestyle, take a laptop with you to the local coffee shop.

7. Record all your music on an MP3 player or an iPod. Then get rid of your stereo and CDs to have a lot more room in your travel trailer. Also buy an e-book reader so that you don't have to store books.

8. Stick to the rule "a place for everything and everything in its place." If you use a pair of scissors, put them back in the drawer when finished using them. There is nothing worse than clutter to make your small space look like a disaster area.

Tags: travel trailer, travel trailer, into travel, into travel trailer, live travel trailer