Monday 16 March 2015

Why Does My Orange Oxheart Tomato Plant Not Bear Blooms

Why Does My Orange Oxheart Tomato Plant Not Bear Blooms?

Tomato vines are hungry, thirsty plants that thrive under the right conditions. Orange oxheart tomatoes are heirloom tomatoes that will bear large juicy fruits if their needs are met. Plants that aren't blooming require better care to resume their fruit harvest. Does this Spark an idea?

Orange Oxheart Tomatoes

Orange oxheart tomato vines are very fragrant heirloom tomato plants. The fruit is heart shaped, bright yellow and can weight up to 1 pound. Orange oxheart tomatoes generally take around 80 days from planting to fruit harvest.

Tomato Growth

Tomatoes grow from blooms on the vines. Without blooming, tomato vines will not bear fruit.

Tomatoes That Don't Bear Blooms

There are several reasons for an orange oxheart tomato vine to stop blooming and lose its fruit harvest. Lack of nutrition and lack of water causes tomato vines to restrict their growth and flowering. At temperatures of less than 55 degrees, orange oxheart tomatoes will lose their blooms.

Tomato Growing Needs

Tomatoes require full sun, quick-draining soil and lots of nutrition. They do best with regular fertilization and deep waterings. Making sure that these needs are met, and keeping the plants warm, increases the orange oxheart tomato vine's blooming ability.


Tomatoes can be grown in outdoor gardens, hanging planters and both indoor and outdoor pots.

Tags: Bear Blooms, fruit harvest, orange oxheart, oxheart tomato, Does Orange