Monday, 31 August 2015

Concerns With Red Bell Peppers

Buy organic bell peppers to avoid pesticides.

Bell peppers offer a wide array of healthy nutrients such as vitamins A and C. In fact, 1 cup gives you 100 percent of both. They are excellent sources of B6 and fiber. Bell peppers may protect your heart and blood vessels by reducing the chemical homeocysteine, and ward off types of cancer. Yet, no one food is perfect and peppers could cause problems for some individuals.

Pesticide Residue

According to WH Foods' website, bell peppers are one vegetable more frequently found with pesticide residue. Washing them does not necessarily remove the toxins, either. To be safe, buy only organic bell peppers.


Bell peppers are considered part of the nightshade family like tomatoes and white potatoes. Nightshade plants contain a chemical called solanaceae. This substance is considered toxic to individuals in high doses. Additionally, the chemical may increase inflammation and aggravate arthritis.

No Capsaicin

Bell peppers are not hot. Although this may be a relief for those who cannot tolerate hot or spicy foods, they do not contain the ingredient capsaicin like other peppers. Capsaicin is quite beneficial for regulating blood glucose levels and, therefore, helpful for diabetics. Also, it is a mucus thinner and benefits those with asthma or lung issues.

Grow Them Carefully

Bell peppers cannot tolerate high heat and are sensitive to temperature changes. Ideally, they need between 70 and 85 degrees Farenheit for optimal growth. Also, peppers are susceptible to Phytophthora, or stem rot, which can kill the plants. They can also be attacked by soilborne fungus. Aphids are insects that harm pepper plants too.

Tags: Bell peppers, bell peppers, cannot tolerate, organic bell, organic bell peppers