Friday 26 December 2014

Shop For Indian Spices

A wide variety of spices adds flavor to Indian dishes.

The depth and complexity of Indian food owes much to the long list of spices used to prepare the dishes. Stock your pantry with flavorful Indian spices and enjoy homemade Indian food anytime. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Determine Which Spices You Need

Indian recipes can come with a long list of spices required for the right flavor. Take stock of which spices you already have, throwing out any that are more than six months old. Freshness is important to the end result of the recipe. Make a list and determine which spices you need to purchase. Purchase in small quantities at first, until you have a good idea of how often you will use a specific spice.

Finding Indian Spices

Most cities or areas with an immigrant Indian population will have one or more grocery stores dedicated to Indian foods. Some general Asian groceries will carry Indian spices as well. Shop for your spices at these stores, if possible, because they usually have a higher rate of spice turnover, resulting in fresher spices for your cooking. If your city doesn't have a dedicated Indian or Asian grocery, consider ordering your spices online. The average non-Indian grocery store carries a very limited selection of Indian spices.

Whole or Ground?

Spices kept in their whole form as long as possible will have the freshest and most pungent flavor. It's a good idea to have a spice grinder on hand to grind chilies, cumin, cardamom, fennel, cloves and other spices that are easily stored whole. Many Indian recipes require you to use whole spices without grinding or to toast whole spices before grinding and adding them to the dish. Other spices, such as garam masala blends or cinnamon, are easier to purchase already ground. Store all spices in airtight containers in cool, dark places.

Tags: dedicated Indian, good idea, Indian food, Indian recipes, Indian spices