Monday 29 September 2014

What Are The Benefits Of A Vegan Raw Food Diet

What Are the Benefits of a Vegan Raw Food Diet?

Raw food diets eliminate most cooked foods, but do allow some degree of heating (acceptable temperature ranges vary). In addition, "raw foodists" often avoid processed foods. Vegan diets eliminate all animal products. Taken together, these styles of eating can offer many health benefits.

Weight Loss

Raw food vegan diets are tailor-made for weight loss because the components are low in calories. The foods allowed on the diet are also rich in fiber, meaning participants tend to eat less and feel full faster and for longer periods of time.

Bone Health

Dark green, leafy vegetables are sources of Vitamin K, which ensures bone health. Raw food vegans tend to have low-bone density, but none of the markers that indicate osteoporosis; in other words, the participants had lighter, but good quality bone.


Because raw vegan diets are lower in salt and potassium, the body requires less calcium. A decrease in blood pressure and a lessened risk for stroke accompanies adequate calcium levels.


Raw food vegan diet participants tend to consume their trace minerals and vitamins directly from whole foods. Because their diets are limited to mainly fruit and vegetable sources, they tend to eat a wider variety of each.

Healthy Fat

Those who eat a raw vegan diet consume most of their fat in monounsaturated form. Monounsaturated fats reduce bad cholesterol levels and the risk for heart disease.

Tags: Benefits Vegan, Benefits Vegan Food, diets eliminate, Food Diet, food vegan, participants tend, vegan diet