Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Buy Plants In Bulk

Buy Plants in Bulk

As a gardener, the quality of the plants you choose is essential for the success of your garden. There's no doubt that quality is important, but if you want to save money this year, while still having a variety of plants, then you should consider buying in bulk. Many nurseries and plant retailers offer considerable volume discounts for many of the plants they have in stock. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Decide which types of plants you want to have in your garden. You may choose to buy flower plants, plants that will produce food, such as tomatoes and peppers, or both. Before you can buy plants in bulk, you need to decide which kinds to buy. Base your decision on the type of soil you have and the environment where you live. Make sure the plants you buy will thrive in your soil and your climate.

2. Contact local plant nurseries, and ask about the selection and prices for the plants you want to buy. Find out if they offer any volume discounts, and keep track of the prices offered by each nursery. You can also purchase your plants from online plant retailers, such as Great Garden Plants, Inc. and Plantworld. Websites typically have a section dedicated to buying plants in bulk.

3. Visit the nurseries, so you can see the quality of the plants yourself. Examine the plants you want to buy carefully. Make sure they look healthy. The leaves and stems should not be withered or discolored. Also, be sure the plants have strong roots that are not growing out of the container. If you choose to buy online, try to find someone who has ordered plants from the website, and ask them about the quality of the plants. If you don't know anyone, make sure the retailer offers a money back guarantee in case you receive diseased or damaged plants.

4. Choose where you want to buy your plants based on the overall quality of the plants, the return policy, and the price offered for buying plants in bulk. Before purchasing, try to negotiate for a better price when buying in bulk. This is easiest to do at local nurseries. Because you're buying in bulk, you may be able to get your plants for a lower price than quoted.

5. Wait until the beginning of the plants' growing seasons before purchasing them. Make sure you plant them while the weather is mild. You should never wait until harsher weather, such as extreme wind, rain, or cold, is more likely.

Tags: quality plants, buying bulk, plants want, your plants, buying plants