Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Repel Rabbits

While rabbits may appear to be the friendly creature that has made them so popular in children's cartoons. However, they can also be a terror to any gardener. One or two rabbits alone can destroy an entire garden. Despite their desire to munch on your vegetables and flowers, you don't have to kill them to keep your plants safe.


1. Keeping rabbits out of your garden can be a very tough problem. Some suggest that human hair or hot sauce mixed with water can keep rabbits away but most of these home remedies, as well as chemical repellents, have marginal success at best. Instead the best way to keep rabbits from nibbling on your garden is to not let them in. Building a simple chicken wire fence is perfectly sufficient for keeping rabbits out.

2. While a chicken wire fence may not be the most attractive aspect of your yard, it is cost effective and will do the job just fine. If you prefer you could also put up a wood or other type of fence. For a chicken wire fence, the first thing you want to do is decide where to set the stakes. Typically you are going to want a stake every 3 to 5 feet in order to keep the fence from sagging.

3. Once you have hammered the stakes into the ground you want to dig a trench in front of the stakes about 4 to 6 inches deep and about 3 inches wide. This is important because you want to bury the bottom of the chicken wire fencing into the ground to keep rabbits from simply digging under it.

4. Attach your chicken wire. The fence should stand between 24 and 36 inches high to ensure no rabbits can get in. Start at a corner and attach the chicken wire to the corner stake using a fence tie. Pulling the wire tightly, continue this process until your entire garden is fenced. Once you are done, fill in the trench you dug earlier and burying the bottom of the chicken wire.

Tags: chicken wire, chicken wire fence, wire fence, keep rabbits, about inches, bottom chicken