Monday, 14 December 2015

Check Loose Grains For Bugs

In Jewish Law, the prohibition against eating insects is quite stringent, so it is important to check all food for bugs before cooking and eating. Many foods are quite easy to check except for leafy vegetables and loose grains, which pose considerable challenges. However, if you inspect and prepare loose grains, such as oatmeal, wheat, rice and barley, before cooking, you can feel confident that your meals are absolutely kosher.


1. Pay attention when buying loose grains. You may notice a few bugs as you are scooping oatmeal from a barrel. You may want to purchased prepackaged oatmeal instead.

2. Place the grains you want to use on a plate and inspect them carefully by a window so you can see them in daylight. You should move each section of loose grains with your finger until you have inspected all the grains on the plate.

3. Soak grains in water for at least a few minutes. You may see specks float to the top and notice these specks are insect eggs or small bugs.

4. Rinse grains in a colander under running water. Your loose grains should be free of bugs now, but you should inspect them as you are rinsing.

5. Repeat the process if you still find a bug. However, don't repeat the process a third time. Throw the loose grains out if you find bugs a second time.

Tags: loose grains, before cooking, inspect them